1. Location : East Kalimantan 48 Km from Balikpapan
2. Legalities : IUP Exploration with 1600 Hectare
3. CV : 5,800 - 5.500
4. Estimating Deposit: Minimum Mt with in 800Ha estimation.
5. Hauling road : 7 km to jetty (Jetty is ready), Jetty capable use 270-300 ft barge transfer
to vessel need 6 hours
6.estimation coal seam: 3-5 seam with thickness 0.70 – 3. 5meters
Land owner interest partnership with investor
1. Take over share 75 % price: 1.500.000 US$ for include completed legal permit of
Exploitation / Production
2. Royalty for local community and government : 6 US$/Mt
1. this is very good project: hauling road is ready and only 7 km to jetty, 270-300 feet barge to
vessel 6 hour only.
2. Some of document and legalities was been check it with local federal department by our company,
they are no problems.
5. Location working situation are good and clear. No issue with local community and forest department.
2. Legalities : IUP Exploration with 1600 Hectare
3. CV : 5,800 - 5.500
4. Estimating Deposit: Minimum Mt with in 800Ha estimation.
5. Hauling road : 7 km to jetty (Jetty is ready), Jetty capable use 270-300 ft barge transfer
to vessel need 6 hours
6.estimation coal seam: 3-5 seam with thickness 0.70 – 3. 5meters
Land owner interest partnership with investor
1. Take over share 75 % price: 1.500.000 US$ for include completed legal permit of
Exploitation / Production
2. Royalty for local community and government : 6 US$/Mt
1. this is very good project: hauling road is ready and only 7 km to jetty, 270-300 feet barge to
vessel 6 hour only.
2. Some of document and legalities was been check it with local federal department by our company,
they are no problems.
5. Location working situation are good and clear. No issue with local community and forest department.